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Rev. Timothy E Byerley, Ph.D

Welcome Father John!

The Providence of God has sent another priest to St. Peter’s, and we feel blessed to receive him. The parishioners of St. Peter’s love priests. I cannot image that there is one priest who has passed through our church doors without experiencing this love.

Now, Fr. John Wasilewski will be the recipient of this affirmation, and we in turn will be the recipients of the singular gifts of his priesthood. Once again, we will see how God calls men of every type and temperament, every kind of personal history and special charism, to be his representatives on earth. Each priest reflects a unique tint of color in the mosaic of Christ’s Eternal Priesthood, and so it is with Fr. John.

We look forward to embracing him as a member of our parish family, and being edified by his priestly ministry.

God bless you, Fr. John!

Fr. Tim Byerley Pastor

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